Category Archive: Famous Hugs

A Hug from the White House!

Yesterday was the famous White House Easter Egg Roll. What’s trending today? A hug of course!

Buffy & Angel Hugs

Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Angel (David Boreanaz) embrace during a dance from the episode “The Prom”.

Seize the Hug!

Now is the time to hug this day, stare down the odds and hug this day. Those are the lyrics, right?

A Hummelberry Hug!

A glee-ful hug between Glee stars Chris Colfer and Lea Michele (otherwise known as Rachel Berry & Kurt Hummel or Hummelberry). TGIF! (Thank Glee it’s Friday)

That’s what makes you beautiful…

One Direction wrapped up their Up All Night tour this weekend and yes, they ended with a hug! That’s what makes you beautiful…

Volleygirls Hugs!

Today I am producing a reading of a new musical called “Volleygirls” with Chicago Fire’s Monica Raymund! Here is a mid afternoon hug!

It’s Oscar Night!

Film is filled with hugs of love and compassion, friendship and joy, excitement and comfort and we are excited to sit back, relax, and watch as the hugs come to life in one… Continue reading

Biggest Hug

Any fans of the Biggest Loser out there? Here’s some of our favorite hugs of celebration and encouragement from this season.

Hug Like Oprah

Oprah Hugs. Need I say more? After sifting through the many photos of Oprah hugging online, she has become one of my favorite huggers. There are many things we can learn from analyzing… Continue reading

Best RomCom Embraces

Getting ready for Valentine’s Day? Check out these heart-felt embraces from some of the most memorable Romantic Comedies of all time.