Category Archive: Famous Hugs

Ellen Hugs an Adorable Little Girl Backstage

When I meet Ellen, I will probably have the same reaction as this adorable little girl!

You’re not fooling us…

We’re on to you, Nick and Jess. This hug says it all.

Sophia Grace Hugs Nicki Minaj

The pint sized Princesses, Rosie & Sophia Grace, made a return to Ellen this week and we can’t get enough of them! Here is the hug that started it all.

Hugs from “From Broadway with Love”

On Monday night, I had the privilege of working on “From Broadway with Love: A Benefit for Sandy Hook”. From Broadway with Love featured Broadway, Film, & TV stars performing in a one-night-only event at… Continue reading

A Hug from How I Met Your Mother!

A hug can be a powerful thing, especially when it is one with plenty of friends! I am a big fan of How I Met Your Mother, so I as I sit back… Continue reading

Broadway Bestie Hugs!

What’s better than a Bestie? A Broadway Bestie! (insert jazz hands here) Here’s a photo of Broadway Actresses Caissie Levy & Kacie Sheik – they were fabulous in Hair on Broadway and this… Continue reading

…and a happy MLK Jr and Inauguration Day!

Happy Birthday, Betty!

Betty White turned 91 this week. Betty, we are sending you a ginormous birthday hug!

And the winner is…

Did you watch the Golden Globes last night? We think there should be a new category: Best On Stage Hug in the Background of an Acceptance Speech. And the winner is…. Amanda Seyfried… Continue reading

Sometimes Waking Up Is Hard

This morning I kept hitting my snooze button and I thought to myself: