Category Archive: Famous Hugs

ALIAS reunion hug!

2014 Sochi Olympics

We’re so excited for the games to begin!

Gatorade Hugs for the Super Bowl Win!

Congratulations Seattle Seahawks!

More Olaf Warm Hugs!

We are loving how obsessed everyone is with Frozen right now – especially Olaf, the warm hug giving snowman!

Counting Down to the Grammys!

Counting down to the Grammys! We cannot wait to see some of the amazing hugs tomorrow. In the meantime, we are looking back at some of the great hugs from the 2013 show!


How much are we all girl crushing on Lena Dunham right now? Am I right?

You’ll Always be a Prince to Me

Remembering a Great Man

We Love a Great Zac Efron Hug!

Check out this great story about Zac Efron’s letter to a fan here. Story and photos property of E!

Golden Hugs from the Golden Globes

Congrats to all of the winners. Though really, anyone who got one of these hugs is a true winner!